Don’t miss the first time Ivan Heng and GT Lye appearing on stage together! Book your tickets for the 33rd Baba Nyonya International VIRTUAL Convention now

33rd Baba Nyonya International Convention, 20 November 2021

Each ticket is S$22 + $3 SISTIC booking fee. Now available at

Catch this landmark once-in-a-lifetime play now. It will be your only chance. It will not be posted on any social media platform after the performance.

Don’t miss this scene in the play, THE MATRIARCHS

Do you understand what made me what I am? Before my breasts were grown, I learned that a woman is nothing in this world that men have made, except in the role that men demanded of her. Your life is meaningless, you have no value, except as a wife and mother; then be the very devil of a wife and mother.

IVAN HENG as Emily (of Emerald Hill). Actor & Founding Artistic Director of Singapore Theatre Company W!LD RICE. Conferred the Cultural Medallion by the National Arts Council, Singapore