Dear Nyonyas and Babas,
In this month’s video, I am joined by our First Vice President Baba Edmond Wong and Culinary Advisor Nyonya Elizabeth Ng.
Baba Edmond provides updates on the upgrading of our website in preparation for the digitalisation of THE PERANAKAN magazine.
Nyonya Elizabeth enthuses about her upcoming cooking demonstration Habis Masak Terus Makan where she will be cooking Babi Pongteh and making Kueh Dadar using authentic Peranakan recipes. Do keep your eyes peeled for details of the cooking demonstration which will be released very soon as there will only be a limited number of spaces. She also implores all who are passionate about cooking to reach out to the association to explore the possibility of organising cooking-related activities.
After two long years of enduring the drudgery of wearing mundane surgical masks, let’s party with fancy masks at our New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner Mask-querade: Mari Laojiat. Do book your tables early as more than 20% of the tables have already been sold.
We hope you enjoy watching our video clips as much as we enjoy putting them together. Do let us know what you would like us to touch on in our future video clips.
Warm wishes,
Nyonya Genevieve Peggy Jeffs
President, 2022 – 2024
The Peranakan Association Singapore
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