Dear Nyonyas and Babas,

In this month’s video, I am joined by Assistant Honorary Treasurer, Baba Raymond Wong and General Committee member, Baba Philip Yeo.

Baba Raymond talks about the upcoming Bali International Peranakan Festival from 24-27 Nov 2022, which is organised by our sister association, Peranakan Tionghoa Warga Indonesia (Pertiwi). For those who are keen to attend the briefing on the trip (limited to 25 pax) which will be conducted by the President of Pertiwi, Udaya Halim, on Sunday, 11 Sep at 7.00pm at Rumah Kim Choo (111E East Coast Road, Singapore 428801), please register with

Baba Philip Yeo updates on the digitalisation of THE PERANAKAN magazine and urges all members to update their email addresses with so that access to the digital magazine will not be interrupted.

For those who have not booked your table for our New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner Mask-querade: Mari Laojiat., we would urge you to do so soonest as the earlier we receive your booking with confirmed payment, the closer your table will be to the stage. Come dance to your favourite tunes performed by popular local dance band Locomotion and count down to the new year with us!

Also, do look out for details on our next cooking demonstration planned for 24 Sep. Nyonya Helen Lim will be showing us how to cook dry mee siam.

We hope you enjoy watching our video clips as much as we enjoy putting them together.

Warm wishes,

Nyonya Genevieve Peggy Jeffs
President, 2022 – 2024
The Peranakan Association Singapore
Click here to send Genevieve a note