Dear Nyonyas and Babas,
Selamat Taon Baru! Happy Lunar New Year to all!
In this month’s video, I am joined by Director of Asian Civilisations Museum and The Peranakan Museum, Group Director of Museums, National Heritage Board, Baba Kennie Ting, and our Culinary Advisor, Nyonya Elizabeth Ng.
Baba Kennie excitedly shares about the long-awaited reopening of The Peranakan Museum on 17 February 2023. He teases us with titbits of what the new museum will bring in terms of design, layout, and the display of exhibits.
Nyonya Elizabeth announces with much pleasure that our well-received cooking demonstrations will resume in February with a session on how to cook a heritage dish and a dessert that is not commonly found these days. Do look out for our announcement to book your seat to learn how to cook this.
We hope you enjoy watching our video clips as much as we enjoy putting them together.
Warm wishes,
Nyonya Genevieve Peggy Jeffs
President, 2022 – 2024
The Peranakan Association Singapore
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