Dear Nyonyas and Babas, 

In this month’s video, I am joined by Nyonya Diane Chee, assistant curator at The Peranakan Museum (TPM), Nyonya Ngiam May Ling, TPAS Legal Advisor and Baba Ronney Tan, TPAS Honorary Treasurer. 

In this video, Nyonya Diane brings our attention to The Origins Gallery located on Level 1 of TPM which features many historically rich photographs contributed by the Peranakan community, as well as video interviews with various members of the Peranakan community. She urges the Peranakan community to share their photographs with the museum though

Baba Ronney shares his experience as a docent with TPM and highlights the various TPAS activities coming up, such as cooking demonstrations, Malam Jolly on 14 July 2023 and the 34th Baba Nyonya International Convention in Melaka from 24-26 Nov 2023.

Nyonya May Ling announces that the 3rd Baba Nyonya Literary Festival will be held in July 2024 and makes an open call for all who wish to help out  with the festival or to propose any literary works to be featured at the festival to email her at

We hope you enjoy watching our video clips as much as we enjoy putting them together.

Warm wishes,

Nyonya Genevieve Peggy Jeffs
President, 2022 – 2024
The Peranakan Association Singapore
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